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Ricke A, Kálai T, Steinhoff HJ, Matthies M. Interaction kinetics and accessibility of sulfadiazine in model clay-humic acid suspension: Electron spin resonance investigations with nitroxide spin label, Science of The Total Environment 2021, 796, 149042. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149042
Schumacher M, Klare JP, Bamann C, Steinhoff HJ. DEER Spectroscopy of Channelrhodopsin‑2 Helix B Movements in Trapped Photocycle Intermediates. Applied Magnetic Resonance 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s00723-021-01380-9
Hett T, Zbik T, Mukherjee S, Matsuoka H, Bönigk W, Klose D, Rouillon C, Brenner N, Peuker S, Klement R, Steinhoff HJ, Grubmüller H, Seifert R, Schiemann O, Kaupp UB. Spatiotemporal Resolution of Conformational Changes in Biomolecules by Combining Pulsed Electron−Electron Double Resonance Spectroscopy with Microsecond Freeze-Hyperquenching. JACS 2021. doi.org/10.1021/jacs.1c01081
Voskoboynikova N, Orekhov P, Bozdaganyan M, Kodde F, Rademacher M, Schowe M, Budke-Gieseking A, Brickwedde B, Psathaki OE, Mulkidjanian AY, Cosentino K, Shaitan KV, Steinhoff HJ. Lipid Dynamics in Diisobutylene-Maleic Acid (DIBMA) Lipid Particles in Presence of Sensory Rhodopsin II.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021. doi.org/10.3390/ijms22052548.
Voskoboynikova N, Margheritis EG, Kodde F, Rademacher M, Schowe M, Budke-Gieseking A, Psathaki OE, Steinhoff HJ, Cosentino K. Evaluation of DIBMA nanoparticles of variable size and anionic lipid content as tools for the structural and functional study of membrane proteins. BBA - Biomembranes 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2021.183588
Voskoboynikova N, Karlova M, Kurre R, Mulkidjanian A.Y, Shaitan K.V, Sokolova O.S, Steinhoff HJ, Heinisch JJ. A Three-Dimensional Model of the Yeast Transmembrane Sensor Wsc1 Obtained by SMA-Based Detergent-Free Purification and Transmission Electron Microscopy. J.Fungi 2021,7, 118. doi.org/10.3390/jof7020118
Schneider L, Wehmeier J, Wiedwald U, Rodewald J, Galakhov VR, Udintseva MS, Mesilov V, Radu F, Luo C, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ, Haase M, Kuepper K. Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Highly Mn-Doped beta-NaGdF4 and beta-NaEuF4 Nanoparticles with a Narrow Size Distribution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JPCC.0C04639
Kucher S, Korneev S, Klare JP, Klose D, Steinhoff HJ. In cell Gd3+-based site-directed spin labeling and EPR spectroscopy of eGFP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. doi.org/10.1039/D0CP01930E
Colbasevici A, Voskoboynikova N, Orekhov PS, Bozdaganyan ME, Karlova MG, Sokolova OS, Klare JP, Mulkidjanian AY, Shaitan KV, Steinhoff HJ. Lipid dynamics in nanoparticles formed by maleic acid-containing copolymers: EPR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. BBA Biomembranes 1862. doi.org/10.1016/J.BBAMEM.2020.183207
Finkenwirth F, Sippach M, Pecina S, Gäde M, Ruta J, Ricke A, Bondarenko E, Klare P, Zinke M, Lange S, Lange A, Steinhoff HJ, Eitinger T. Dynamic interactions of CbiN and CbiM trigger activity of a cobalt energy-coupling-factor transporter. BBA-Biomembranes 1862. doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2019.183114
Lyamzaev K, Sumbatyan N, Nesterenko A, Kholina E, Voskoboynikova N, Steinhoff HJ, Mulkidjanian A, Chernyak B. MitoClox: A Novel Mitochondria-Targeted Fluorescent Probe for Tracing Lipid Peroxidation. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Volume 2019, Article ID 9710208. doi.org/10.1155/2019/9710208
Hervis YP, Valle A, Dunkel S, Klare JP, Canet L, Lanio ME, Alvarez C, Pazos IF, Steinhoff HJ. Architecture of the pore forming toxin sticholysin I in membranes. Journal of Structural Biology 208 (2019) 30-42. doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2019.07.008.
Isaev N, Heuveling J, Ivanisenko N, Schneider E, Steinhoff HJ. ESEEM Reveals Bound Substrate Histidine in the ABC Transporter HisQMP2. Applied Magnetic Resonance. Vol.50, pp 883-893. doi.org/10.1007/s00723-019-01114-y.
Bozdaganyan ME, Lokhmatikov AV, Voskoboynikova N, Cherepanov DA, Steinhoff HJ, Shaitan KV, Mulkidjanian AY. Proton leakage across lipid bilayers: Oxygen atoms of phospholipid ester linkers align water molecules into transmembrane water wires. BBA-Bioenergetics Vol.1860 (2019) 439-451. doi.org/10.1016/j.bbabio.2019.03.001.
Mosslehy W, Voskoboynikova N, Colbasevici A, Ricke A, Klose D, Klare JP, Mulkidzhanyan AY, Steinhoff HJ. Conformational dynamics of sensory rhodopsin II in nanolipoprotein and styrene-maleic acid lipid particles. Photochem Photobiol. doi.org/10.1111/php.13096.
Orekhov PS, Bozdaganyan ME, Voskoboynikova N, Mulkidjanian AY, Steinhoff HJ, Shaitan KV. Styrene/Maleic Acid Copolymers Form SMALPs by Pulling Lipid Patches out of the Lipid Bilayer. Langmuir. doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03978.
Karlova MG, Voskoboynikova N, Gluhov GS, Abramochkin D, Malak OA, Mulkidzhanyan A, Loussouarn G, Steinhoff HJ, Shaitan KV, Sokolova OS. Detergent-free solubilization of human Kv channels expressed in mammalian cells. Chem Phys Lipids. 219:50-57. doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2019.01.013.
Ricke A, Bondarenko E, Úr G, Kálai T, Hideg K, Steinhoff HJ, Matthies M
Interaction Kinetics of Sulfadiazine and N-Acetyl-sulfadiazine with Soil Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Label Applied Magentic Resonance,Vol. 50, pp 171-185. doi.org/10.1007/s00723-018-1082-2
Schlee S, Klein T, Schumacher M, Nazet J, Merkl R, Steinhoff HJ, and Sterner R.
Relationship of Catalysis and Active Site Loop Dynamics in the (ßa)8-Barrel Enzyme Indole-3-glycerol Phosphate Synthase. Biochemistry 57: 3265-3277. doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00167
Meiners A, Meyer-Ács M, Bondarenko E, Steinhoff HJ, Mittmann K.
Conjugation of spin labeled proteins to fluorescent quantum dots.
Materials Today: Proceedings 4, 180-187.
Voskoboynikova N, Mosslehy W, Colbasevici A, Ismagulova TT, Bagrov DV, Akovantseva AA, Timashev PS, Mulkidjanian AY, Bagratashvili VN, Shaitan KV, Kirpichnikovb MP, Steinhoff HJ.
Characterization of an archaeal photoreceptor/transducer complex from Natronomonas pharaonis assembled within styrene–maleic acid lipid particles.
RSC Adv. 7, 51324-51334. doi.org/10.1039/c7ra10756k
Kathiresan M, Steinhoff HJ, Walder L.
TEMPO-Labeled Viologen Dendrimers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Distance Measurements.
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 1700142. Vol. 218. doi.org/10.1002/macp.201700142
Diskowski M, Mehdipour AR, Wunnicke D, Mills DJ, Mikusevic V, Bärland N, Hoffmann J, Morgner N, Steinhoff HJ, Hummer G, Vonck J, Haenelt I.
Helical jackknives control the gates of the double-pore K+ uptake system KtrAB.
eLife 2017; doi.org/10.7554/eLife.24303
Orekhov P, Bothe A, Steinhoff HJ, Shaitan KV, Raunser S, Fotiadis D, Schlesinger R, Klare JP, Engelhard M.
Sensory Rhodopsin I and Sensory Rhodopsin II Form Trimers of Dimers in Complex with their Cognate Transducers.
Photochemistry and Photobiology 93: 796–804. doi.org/10.1111/php.12763
Bagrov DV, Voskoboynikova N, Armeev GA, Mosslehy, W Gluhov GS, Ismagulova TT, Mulkidjanian AY, Kirpichnikov MP, Steinhoff HJ, Shaitan KV.
Characterization of lipodisc nanoparticles containing sensory rhodopsin ii and its cognate transducer from Natronomonas pharaonis.
Biophysics (Moscow), 61:942-949. doi.org/10.1134/S0006350916060063
Gruian CM, Rickert C, Nicklisch SC, Vanea E, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S.
Conformational Changes and Competitive Adsorption between Serum Albumin and Hemoglobin on Bioceramic Substrates.
Chemphyschem. 18:634-642. doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201600886
Kucher S, Korneev S, Tyagi S, Apfelbaum R, Grohmann D, Lemke EA, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ, Klose D.
Orthogonal spin labeling using click chemistry for in vitro and in vivo applications.
J Magn Reson. 2017 Feb;275:38-45. doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2016.12.001.
Kozuleva M, Goss T, Twachtmann M, Rudi K, Trapka J, Selinski J, Ivanov B, Garapati P, Steinhoff HJ, Hase T, Scheibe R, Klare JP, Hanke GT.
Ferredoxin:NADP(H) Oxidoreductase Abundance and Location Influences Redox Poise and Stress Tolerance.
Plant Physiol. 172:1480-1493. doi.org/10.1104/pp.16.01084
Lokhmatikov AV, Voskoboynikova N, Cherepanov DA, Skulachev MV, Steinhoff HJ, Skulachev VP, Mulkidjanian AY.
Impact of Antioxidants on Cardiolipin Oxidation in Liposomes: Why Mitochondrial Cardiolipin Serves as an Apoptotic Signal?
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Vol. 2016. doi.org/10.1155/2016/8679469
Matthies M, Glinka K, Theiling M, Hideg K, Steinhoff HJ.
Kinetics of Rapid Covalent Bond Formation of Aniline with Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Labels.
Applied Magnetic Resonance, 47(6), 627-641. doi.org/10.1007/s00723-016-0782-8
Schneider L, Rinkel T, Voß B, Chrobak A, Klare JP, Neethling J, Olivier J, Schaniel D, Bendeif el-E, Bondino F, Magnano E, Píš I, Balinski K, Wollschläger J, Steinhoff HJ, Haase M, Kuepper K.
Characterization of multifunctional ß-NaEuF4/NaGdF4 core-shell nanoparticles with narrow size distribution.
Nanoscale 8:2832-43. doi.org/10.1039/c5nr06915g.
Gruian C, Vanea E, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S.
Glass-Ceramics: Fundamental Aspects Regarding the Interaction with Proteins.
Handbook of Bioceramics and Biocomposites. IV Antoniac (ed.), Springer Int. Pub. Switzerland, pp 1-36. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09230-0_36-1
Gölz JP, Bockelmann S, Mayer K, Steinhoff HJ, Wieczorek H, Huss M, Klare JP, Menche D.
EPR Studies of V-ATPase with Spin-Labeled Inhibitors DCC and Archazolid: Interaction Dynamics with Proton Translocating Subunit c.
ChemMedChem. 2015 Dec 10. Vol.11, pp 420-428. doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.201500500
Orekhov PS, Klose D, Mulkidjanian AY, Shaitan KV, Engelhard M, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ.
Signaling and Adaptation Modulate the Dynamics of the Photosensoric Complex of Natronomonas pharaonis.
PLoS Comput Biol. 2015 Oct 23;11(10):e1004561. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004561.
Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ.
Spin Labeling Studies of Transmembrane Signaling and Transport: Applications to Phototaxis, ABC Transporters and Symporters.
Methods Enzymol. 2015;564:315-47. doi.org/10.1016/bs.mie.2015.05.025
Beutel O, Roder F, Birkholz O, Rickert C, Steinhoff HJ, Grzybek M, Coskun Ü, Piehler J.
Two-Dimensional Trap for Ultrasensitive Quantification of Transient Protein Interactions.
ACS Nano. 2015 Oct 27;9(10):9783-91. doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.5b02696.
Wunnicke D, Ding P, Yang H, Seela F, Steinhoff HJ.
DNA with Parallel Strand Orientation: A Nanometer Distance Study with Spin Labels in the Watson-Crick and the Reverse Watson-Crick Double Helix.
J Phys Chem B. 2015 Oct 29;119(43):13593-9. doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b02935.
Finkenwirth F, Sippach M, Landmesser H, Kirsch F, Ogienko A, Grunzel M, Kiesler C, Steinhoff HJ, Schneider E, Eitinger T.
ATP-dependent Conformational Changes Trigger Substrate Capture and Release by an ECF-type Biotin Transporter.
J Biol Chem. 2015 Jul 3;290(27):16929-42. doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M115.654343.
Ernst FG, Rickert C, Bluschke A, Betat H, Steinhoff HJ, Mörl M.
Domain movements during CCA-addition: a new function for motif C in the catalytic core of the human tRNA nucleotidyltransferases.
RNA Biol. 2015;12(4):435-46. doi.org/10.1080/15476286.2015.1018502.
Dunkel S, Pulagam LP, Steinhoff HJ, Klare JP
In vivo EPR on spin labeled colicin A reveals an oligomeric assembly of the pore-forming domain in E. coli membranes.
Phys Chem Chem Phys 17: 4875-4878. doi.org/10.1039/C4CP05638H
Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ
Structural Information from Spin-Labelled Membrane-Bound Proteins. Edited by: Timmel CR, Harmer JR. STRUCTURAL INFORMATION FROM SPIN-LABELS AND INTRINSIC PARAMAGNETIC CENTRES IN THE BIOSCIENCES
Book Series: Structure and Bonding 152:205-248.
Orban-Glaß I, Voskoboynikova N, Busch KB, Klose D, Rickert C, Mosslehy W, Roder F, Wilkens V, Piehler J, Engelhard M, Steinhoff H-J, Klare JP
Clustering and dynamics of phototransducer signaling domains revealed by SDSL EPR on SRII/HtrII in membranes and nanodiscs.
Biochemistry 54: 349-362. doi.org/10.1021/bi501160q
Klose D, Voskoboynikova N, Orban-Glass I, Rickert C, Engelhard M, Klare JP, Steinhoff H-J
Light-induced switching of HAMP domain conformation and dynamics revealed by time-resolved EPR spectroscopy. FEBS Letters 588: 3970-3976. doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2014.09.012
Lokhmatikov AV, Voskoboynikova NE, Cherepanov DA, Sumbatyan NV, Korshunova GA, Skulachev MV, Steinhoff HJ, Skulachev VP, and Mulkidjanian AY.
Prevention of Peroxidation of Cardiolipin Liposomes by Quinol-Based Antioxidants.
Biochemistry (Moscow), 2014, Vol. 79, No. 10, pp. 1081-1100.
Gast P, Herbonnet RT, Klare J, Nalepa A, Rickert C, Stellinga D, Urban L, Möbius K, Savitsky A, Steinhoff HJ, Groenen EJ.
Hydrogen bonding of nitroxide spin labels in membrane proteins.
Phys Chem Chem Phys. 16:15910-6. doi.org/10.1039/c4cp01741b
Gruian C, Boehme S, Simon S, Steinhoff HJ, Klare JP
Assembly and Function of the tRNA-Modifying GTPase MnmE Adsorbed to Surface Functionalized Bioactive Glass.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 6:7615-25. doi.org/10.1021/am500933e.
Raba M, Dunkel S, Hilger D, Lipiszko K, Polyhach Y, Jeschke G, Bracher S, Klare JP, Quick M, Jung H, Steinhoff HJ
Extracellular loop 4 of the proline transporter PutP controls the periplasmic entrance to ligand binding sites.
Structure 22:769-80. doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2014.03.011.
Bröermann A, Steinhoff HJ, Schlücker S
Towards site-specific probing of the local pH in proteins: pH-dependent deep UV Raman spectra of histidine and tyrosine.
Journal of Molecular Structure 1073:77-81.
Sippach M, Weidlich D, Klose D, Abé C, Klare J, Schneider E, Steinhoff HJ
Conformational changes of the histidine ATP-binding cassette transporter studied by double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy.
BBA Biomembranes 1838:1760-8. doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2014.02.010.
Zander A, Holzmeister P, Klose D, Tinnefeld P, Grohmann D
Single-molecule FRET supports the two-state model of Argonaute action.
RNA Biology 11:1–12. | doi.org/10.4161/rna.27446
Gruian C, Vulpoi A, Vanea E, Oprea B, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S
The attachment affinity of hemoglobin toward silver-containing bioactive glass functionalized with glutaraldehyde.
J Phys Chem B. 117:16558-64. doi.org/10.1021/jp408830t
Sattig T, Rickert C, Bamberg E, Steinhoff HJ, Bamann C
Light-induced Movement of the Transmembrane Helix B in Channelrhodopsin-2.
Angewandte Chemie Int. Edition 52:9705-8 | doi.org/10.1002/anie.201301698
Vanea E, Gruian C, Rickert C, Steinhoff HJ, Simon V
Structure and Dynamics of Spin-Labeled Insulin Entrapped into Silica Matrix by Sol-Gel Method.
Biomacromolecules 14:2582-92. | doi.org/10.1021/bm4003893
Urban L, Steinhoff HJ
Hydrogen Bonding to the Nitroxide of Protein Bound Spin Labels.
Molecular Physics 2013 | Vol. 111, pp 2873-2881. doi.org/10.1080/00268976.2013.804217
Ponta O, Gruian C, Vanea E, Oprea B, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S
Nanostructured biomaterials/biofluids interface processes: Titanium effect on methaemoglobin adsorption on titanosilicate microspheres.
Journal of Molecular Structure 1044:2-9.| doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.01.026
Majsnerowska M, Haenelt I, Wunnicke D, Schaefer LV, Steinhoff HJ, Slotboom DJ
Substrate-Induced Conformational Changes in the S-Component ThiT from an Energy Coupling Factor Transporter.
Structure 21:861-867. | doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2013.03.007.
Pulagam LP, Steinhoff, HJ
Acidic pH-induced membrane insertion of colicin A into E. coli natural lipids probed by site directed spin labeling.
J Mol Biol. 425:1782-94. | doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2013.01.037.
Hänelt I, Wunnicke D, Bordignon E, Steinhoff HJ, Slotboom DJ
Conformational heterogeneity of the aspartate transporter GltPh.
Nature Struct Mol Biol. 20:210-214. | doi.org/10.1038/nsmb.2471.
Gajula MNVP,Vogel KP, Rai A, Dietrich F, Steinhoff HJ
How far in-silico computing meets real experiments. A study on the structure and dynamics of spin labeled vinculin tail protein by molecular dynamics simulations and EPR spectroscopy.
BMC Genomics 2013 14 (Suppl 2):S4.
Brandt R, Klare J, Steinhoff HJ, Ungermann C
Highlight: The physiology and dynamics of cellular microcompartments.
Biol Chem. 394:149-150. | doi.org/10.1515/hsz-2012-0349.
Honigmann A, Pulagam LP, Sippach M, Bartsch P, Steinhoff HJ, Wagner R
A high resolution electro-optical approach for investigating transition of soluble proteins to integral membrane proteins probed by colicin A.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 427:385-91. | doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.09.069.
Klose D, Klare JP, Grohmann D, Kay CWM, Werner F, Steinhoff, HJ
Simulation vs. Reality: A Comparison of In Silico Distance Predictions with DEER and FRET Measurements.
PLoS ONE 7(6): e39492. | doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0039492
Totzeck M, Hendgen-Cotta UB, Luedike P, Berenbrink M, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ, Semmler D, Shiva S, Williams D, Kipar A, Gladwin MT, Schrader J, Kelm M, Cossins AR, Rassaf T
Nitrite Regulates Hypoxic Vasodilation via Myoglobin-Dependent Nitric Oxide Generation.
Circulation 126:325-34. doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.087155
Komban R, Klare JP, Voss B, Nordmann J, Steinhoff HJ, Haase M
An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Investigation on the Growth Mechanism of NaYF(4) :Gd Nanocrystals.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 51:6506-10. | doi.org/10.1002/anie.201201025
Wunnicke D, Ding P, Seela F, Steinhoff HJ
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of DNA Reveals Mismatch-Induced Nanometer Distance Changes between Flanking Nucleotides.
J Phys Chem B 116:4118-23. doi.org/10.1021/jp212421c
Vulpoi A, Gruian C, Vanea E, Baia L, Simon S, Steinhoff HJ, Göller G, Simon V.
Bioactivity and protein attachment onto bioactive glasses containing silver nanoparticles.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 100:1179-86. | doi.org/10.1002/jbm.a.34060
Gruian C, Vulpoi A, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S
Structural changes of methemoglobin after adsorption on bioactive glass, as a function of surface functionalization and salt concentration.
Journal of Molecular Structure 1015:20–26.
Abé C, Klose D, Dietrich F, Ziegler WH, Polyhach Y, Jeschke G, Steinhoff HJ
Orientation Selective DEER Measurements on Vinculin Tail at X-Band Frequencies Reveal Spin Label Orientations
J Magn Reson. 216:53-61. | doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2011.12.024
Nicklisch SCT, Wunnicke D, Borovykh IV, Morbach S, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ, Krämer R
Conformational changes of the betaine transporter BetP from Corynebacterium glutamicum studied by pulse EPR spectroscopy
Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1818:359–366.
Klare JP, Ortiz de Orue Lucana D
Conformational changes in the novel redox sensor protein HbpS studied by site-directed spin labelling and its turnover in dependence on the catalase-peroxidase CpeB
Antiox Redox Signal | doi.org/10.1089/ars.2011.4080.
Abé C, Dietrich F, Gajula P, Benz M, Vogel KP, van Gastel M, Illenberger S, Ziegler WH, Steinhoff HJ
Monomeric and dimeric conformation of the Vinculin tail five-helix bundle in solution studied by EPR spectroscopy.
Biophys J 101:1772-80. | doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2011.08.048.
Gruian C, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S
Interaction between methemoglobin and some bioglass systems studied by EPR spectroscopy.
Dig J Nanomater Bios 2011.6:373 - 383.
Klare JP, Bordignon E, Engelhard M, Steinhoff HJ
Transmembrane signal transduction in archaeal phototaxis: The sensory rhodopsin II-transducer complex studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Eur J Cell Biol 2011.90:731-739.
Hänelt I, Tholema N, Kröning N, Vor der Brüggen M, Wunnicke D, Bakker EP
KtrB, a member of the superfamily of K(+) transporters.
Eur J Cell Biol 2011.90:696-704.
Butala M, Klose D, Hodnik V, Rems A, Podlesek Z, Klare JP, Anderluh G, Busby SJW, Steinhoff HJ, Zgur-Bertok D
Interconversion between bound and free conformations of LexA orchestrates the bacterial SOS response.
Nucl Acids Res 2011.39:6546-6557.
Holterhues J, Bordignon E, Klose D, Rickert C, Klare JP, Martell S, Li L, Engelhard M, Steinhoff HJ
The signal transfer from the receptor NpSRII to the transducer NpHtrII is not hampered by the D75N mutation.
Biophys J 2011.100:2275-2282.
Grohmann D, Klose D, Fielden D, Werner F
FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) sheds light on transcription.
Biochem Soc Trans 2011.39:122-7.
Wunnicke D, Strohbach D, Weigand JE, Appel B, Feresin E, Suess B, Müller S, Steinhoff HJ
Ligand-induced conformational capture of a synthetic tetracycline riboswitch revealed by pulse EPR.
RNA 2011.17:182-188.
Gruian C, Steinhoff HJ, Simon S
Adsorption of horse methemoglobin on bioactive glass at high salt concentration studied by EPR and FTIR spectroscopy.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia 56: 71-81.
Cabrera M, Langemeyer L, Mari M, Rethmeier R, Orban I, Perz A, Bröcker C, Griffith J, Klose D, Steinhoff HJ, Reggiori F, Engelbrecht-Vandré S, Ungermann C
Phosphorylation of a membrane curvature-sensing motif switches function of the HOPS subunit Vps41 in membrane tethering.
J Cell Biol 2010.191:845-59.
Hirtreiter A, Damsma GE, Cheung AC, Klose D, Grohmann D, Vojnic E, Martin AC, Cramer P, Werner F
Spt4/5 stimulates transcription elongation through the RNA polymerase clamp coiled-coil motif.
Nucleic Acids Res 2010.38:4040-51.
Ding P, Wunnicke D, Steinhoff HJ, Seela F
Site-directed spin labeling of DNA by the azide-alkyne 'click' reaction: nanometer distance measurements on 7-deaza-2'-deoxyadenosine and 2'-deoxyuridine nitroxide conjugates spatially separated or linked to a 'dA-dT' base pair.
Chem Eur J 2010.16:14385-96.
Hänelt I, Wunnicke D, Müller-Trimbusch M, Vor der Brüggen M, Kraus I, Bakker EP, Steinhoff HJ
Membrane region M2C2 in subunit KtrB of the K+ uptake system KtrAB from Vibrio alginolyticus forms a flexible gate controlling K+ flux; an electron paramagnetic resonance study.
J Biol Chem 2010.285:28210-28219.
Böhme S, Steinhoff HJ, Klare JP
Accessing the distance range of interest in biomolecules: Site-directed spin labeling and DEER spectroscopy.
Spectroscopy, doi.org/10.3233/SPE-2010-0428.
Klare J, Steinhoff HJ
Site-directed spin labeling and pulse dipolar electron paramagnetic resonance.
in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, eds R.A. Meyers, John Wiley: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a9024.(accessible at onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9780470027318.a9024/abstract)
Grohmann D, Klose D, Klare JP, Kay CW, Steinhoff HJ, Werner F
RNA-binding to archaeal RNA polymerase subunits F/E: a DEER and FRET study.
J Am Chem Soc. 2010 May 5;132(17):5954-5.
Böhme S, Meyer S, Krüger A, Steinhoff HJ, Wittinghofer A, Klare JP
Stabilization of G domain conformations in the tRNA-modifying MnmE-GidA complex observed with double electron electron resonance spectroscopy.
J Biol Chem. 2010 May 28;285(22):16991-7000.
Bordignon E, Brutlach H, Urban L, Hideg K, Savitsky A, Schnegg A, Gast P, Engelhard M, Groenen EJJ, Möbius K, and Steinhoff HJ
Heterogeneity in the nitroxide micro-environment: polarity and proticity effects in spin labeled proteins studied by multifrequency EPR.
Appl Magn Reson 37:391–403.
Bleicken S, Classen M, Padmavathi PV, Ishikawa T, Zeth K, Steinhoff HJ, Bordignon E
Molecular details of Bax activation, oligomerization, and membrane insertion.
J Biol Chem. 285:6636-47.
Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ
Spin Labeling EPR.
Photosynth Res. 2009. 102:377-390.
Meyer S, Böhme S, Krüger S, Steinhoff HJ, Klare JP, Wittinghofer A
Kissing G domains of MnmE monitored by X-ray crystallography and pulse EPR Spectroscopy.
PLoS Biol 7(10): e1000212. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000212 2009 (accessible at http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1000212)
Weissmann C, Reyher HJ, Gauthier A, Steinhoff HJ, Junge W, Brandt R
Microtubule binding and trapping at the tip of neurites regulate tau motion in living neurons.
Traffic 10: 1655–1668.
Böhme S, Padmavathi PV, Holterhues J, Ouchni F, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ
Topology of the amphipathic helices of the colicin A pore-forming domain in E. coli lipid membranes studied by pulse EPR.
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Grote M, Polyhach Y, Jeschke G, Steinhoff HJ, Schneider E, Bordignon E
Transmembrane signaling in the maltose ABC transporter MalFGK2-E: periplasmic MalF-P2 loop communicates substrate availability to the ATP-bound MalK dimer.
J Biol Chem. 2009 Jun 26;284(26):17521-6. Epub 2009 Apr 24.
Borovykh, I. V. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Spin Labeling of Photosynthetic Systems.
Biophysical Techniques in Photosynthesis, volume II (Thijs J. Aartsma and Jörg Matysik, eds.), Series Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Vol. 26, Springer, Dordrecht, 345-359 (2008)
Grote, M., Bordignon, E., Polyhach, Y., Jeschke, G., Steinhoff, H.-J. and Schneider, E.
A Comparative EPR Study of the Nucleotide-Binding Domains’ Catalytic Cycle in the Assembled Maltose ABC-Importer.
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Padmavathi, P. V. L. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Conformation of the closed channel state of colicin A in proteoliposomes: an umbrella model.
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Hendgen-Cotta, U. B., Merx, M. W., Shiva, S., Schmitz, J., Becher, S., Klare, J. P., Steinhoff, H.-J., Goedecke, A., Schrader, J., Gladwin, M. T., Kelm, M. and Rassaf, T.
Nitrite reductase activity of myoglobin regulates respiration and cellular viability in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.
PNAS 105, 10256-10261 (2008)
Doebber, M., Bordignon, E., Klare, J. P., Holterhues, J., Martell, S., Mennes, N., Li, L., Engelhard, M. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Salt-driven equilibrium between two conformations in the HAMP domain from Natronomonas pharaonis: the language of signal transfer?
J. Biol. Chem. 283: 28691 – 28701 (2008)
Zielke, V., Eickmeier, H., Hideg, K., Reuter, H. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
A commonly used spin label: S-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxyl-?3-pyrrolin-3-ylmethyl)methanethiosulfonate.
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Orlinskii, S.B., Borovykh, I. V., Zielke, V. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Use of Spin Labels to Study Membrane Proteins by High-Frequency Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy.
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Daus, M.L., Grote, M., Müller, P., Doebber, M., Herrmann, A., Steinhoff, H.-J., Dassa, E., and Schneider, E.
ATP-driven MalK Dimer Closure and Reopening and Conformational Changes of the "EAA" Motifs Are Crucial for Function of the Maltose ATP-binding Cassette Transporter (MalFGK2).
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Bordignon, E., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Membrane protein structure and dynamics studied by site-directed spin labeling ESR. In: Hemminga, M.A., and Berliner, L.J. (eds). ESR Spectroscopy in Membrane Biophysics.
Springer Science and Business Media, New York, 129-164 (2007)
Gajula, P., Milikisyants, S., Steinhoff, H.-J., and Huber, M.
A Short Note on Orientation Selection in the&xnbsp;DEER Experiments on a Native Cofactor and a Spin Label in the Reaction Center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.
Appl.Magn. Reson. 31/ 1-2 (2007)
Bordignon, E., Klare, J.P., Holterhues, J., Martell, S., Krasnaberski, A., Engelhard, M., Steinhoff, H.-J.
Analysis of Light-Induced Conformational Changes Natronomonas pharaonis Sensory Rhodopsin II by Time Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
Photochem. and Photobiol. 83: 263–272 (2007)
Gajula, P., Borovykh, I.V., Beier, C., Shkuropatova, T., Gast, P., Steinhoff, H.-J.
Spin-Labeled Photosynthetic Reaction Centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamcis Simulations.
Appl. Magn. Reson. 31:167-178 (2007)
Balog, M., Abé, C., Kalai, T., Steinhoff, H.-J., Jeko, J., Hideg, K.
Synthesis of New Paramagnetic Fatty Acids and Lipophilic Spin Labels.
J. Synth. Org. Chem. 11:1663-1670 (2007)
Niermann, N., Degefa, T.H., Walder, L., Zielke, V., Steinhoff, H.-J., Onsgaard, J., Speller, S.
Galvinoxyl monolayers on Au(111) studied by STM, EPR, and cyclic voltametry
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Brutlach, H., Bordignon, E., Urban, L., Klare, J.P., Reyher, H.J., Engelhard, M., Steinhoff, H.- J.
High-Field EPR and Site-Directed Spin Labeling Reveal a Periodical Polarity Profile: The Sequence 88 to 94 of the Phototransducer NpHtrII in Complex with Sensory Rhodopsin, NpSRII.
Appl. Magn. Reson. 30: 359-372 (2006)
Gajula, P., Borovykh, I.V., Beier, C., Gast, P., Huber, M., Steinhoff, H.-J.
A study on the structure and dynamics of spinlabeled proteins by MD simulations and EPR spectroscopy.
Proceedings of the NIC workshop on 'From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2006' (Ed: Hansmann, U.H.E., Meinke,J., Mohanty, S., Zimmermann, O. ISBN 978-3-9810843-0-6): 34:145-148
Beier, C., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
A structure-based simulation approach for electron paramagnetic resonance spectra using molecular and stochastic dynamics simulations.
Biophys J.91:2647-2664 (2006)
Borovykh, I.V., Ceola, S., Gajula, P., Gast, P., Steinhoff, H.-J., Huber, M.
Distance between a native cofactor and a spin label in the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by a two-frequency pulased electron paramagnetic resonance method and molecular dynamics simulations.
J. Magn. Res. 180: 178-185 (2006)
Nowaczyk, M., Berghaus, C., Steinhoff, H.-J., Stoll, R., and Rögner, M.
Preliminary NMR and EPR Studies of the 33-kDa Protein (PsbO) in solution.
Essays on Science (Ed. Sadia Rashid), Hamdard Foundation Pakistan, 2006: 184-196
Jeganathan, S., von Bergen, M., Brutlach, H., Steinhoff, H.-J., Mandelkow, E.
Global hairpin folding of tau in solution.
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Gingras, A.R., Vogel, K.P., Steinhoff, H.-J., Ziegler, W. H., Patel, B., Emsley, J., Critchley, D.R., Roberts, G.C.K. and Barsukov, I.L.
Structural and Dynamic Characterization of a Vinculin Binding Site in the Talin Rod.
Biochemistry 45(6):1805-1817 (2006)
Klare, J.P., Bordignon, E., Doebber, M., Fitter,J., Kriegsmann,J., Chizhov,I., Steinhoff, H.-J., Engelhard, M.
Effects of solubilization on the structure and function of the sensory rhodopsin II/transducer complex.
J. Mol. Biol. 356:1207-1221 (2006)
Steinhoff, H.-J .
Site-Directed Spin labeling.
EPR newsletter. Vol.15: No.2: 17-20 (2005)
Bordignon, E., Klare, J.P., Doebber, M., Wegener, A.A., Martell, S., Engelhard, M. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Structural analysis of a hamp domain: The linker region of the phototransducer in complex with sensory Rhodopsin II.
J. Biol. Chem. 280(46): 38767-38775 (2005)
Hilger, D., Jung, H., Padan, E., Wegener, C., Vogel, K.P., Steinhoff, H.-J. and Jeschke, G.
Assessing Oligomerization of Membrane Proteins by Four-Pulse DEER: pH-Dependent Dimerization of NhaA Na+/H+ Antiporter of E.coli.
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Becker, C.F.W., Lausecker, K., Balog, M., Kálai, T., Hideg, K., Steinhoff, H.-J. and Engelhard,M.
Incorporation of spin-labelled amino acids into proteins.
Magn. Resonance in Chemistry. 43:S34-S39 (2005)
Möbius, K., Savitsky, A., Wegener, Ch., Plato , M., Fuchs, M., Schnegg, A., Dubinskii, A., Grigor'ev, I.A., Kühn, M., Duché, D., Zimmermann, H., Steinhoff, H.-J.
Combining high-field EPR with site-directed spin-labeling reveals unique information on proteins in action.
Magn. Resonance in Chemistry. 43:S4-S19 (2005)
Popp, S., Packschies, L., Radzwill, N., Vogel, K.P., Steinhoff, H.-J., Reinstein, J.
Structural Dynamics of the DnaK-Peptide Complex.
J. Mol. Biol. 347: 1039-1052 (2005)
Heinz-Jürgen Steinhoff.
Intra- und intermoleculare Abstandmessungen mittels ESR-Spectroskopie
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Jeschke, G., Wegener, C., Nietschke, M., Jung, H., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Inter-residual distance determination by four-pulse double electron-electron resonance in an integral membrane protein: the Na+/proline transporter PutP of Escherichia coli.
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Savitsky, A., Kühn, M., Duché, D., Möbius, K. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Spontaneous refolding of the pore-forming colicin A toxin upon membrane association as studied by X-band and W-band high-field EPR spectroscopy.
J. Phys. Chem. B. 108:9541-9548 (2004)
Klare, J., Gordeliy, V. I., Labahn, J., Büldt, G., Steinhoff, H.-J., and Engelhard, M.
The archaeal sensory rhodopsin II/transducer complex: a model for transmembrane signal transfer.
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Klare, J., Bordignon, E., Engelhard, M., Steinhoff, H.-J.
Sensory rhodopsin II and bacteriorhodopsin: Light activated helix F movement.
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Steinhoff, H.-J.
Multi-frequency EPR spectroscopy studies of the structure and conformational changes of site-directed spin labelled membrane proteins ,in: Supramolecular structure and function 8, (ed. G. Pifat-Mrzljak)
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York: 157-177 (2004)
Steinhoff, H.-J.
Inter and intra-molecular distances determined by EPR spectroscopy and site- directed spin labeling reveal protein-protein and protein-oligonucleotide interaction.
Biol. Chem. 385:913-920 (2004)
Balog, M., Kalai, T., Jekö, J., Steinhoff, H.-J., Engelhard, M., and Hideg, K.
Synthesis of new 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-1-yloxyl radicals and 2-substituted -2,5,5-trimethylpyrrolidin-1-yloxyl radicals based α-amino acids. SYNLETT 14:2591–2593 (2004)
Steinhoff, H.-J., and B. Suess.
Molecular mechanism of gene regulation by site-directed spin labeling.
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Kveder, M., Kriško ,A., Pifat, G., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
The study of structural accessibility of free thiol groups in human low-density lipoproteins.
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Balog, M., Kalai, T., Jekö, J., Berente, Z., Steinhoff, H.-J., Engelhard, M., and Hideg, K.
Synthesis of new conformationally rigid paramagnetic α-amino acids.
Tetrahedron Letters 44:9213–9217 (2003)
Wegener, C., Savitsky, A., Pfeiffer, M., Möbius, K., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
High-field EPR-detected shifts of magnetic tensor components of spin label side chains reveal protein conformational changes: the proton entrance channel of bacteriorhodopsin.
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Steinhoff, H.-J.
Methods for study of protein dynamics and protein-protein interaction in protein-ubiquitination by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Frontiers in Bioscience 7:c97-110 (2002)
Plato, M., Steinhoff, H.-J., Wegener, C., Törring, J. T., Savitsky, A., and Möbius, K.
Molecular orbital study of polarity and hydrogen bonding effects on the g and hyperfine tensors of site directed NO spin labeled bacteriorhodopsin.
Molecular Physics 100:3711-3721 (2002)
Radzwill, N., Gerwert, K., Steinhoff, H.-J.
Time-resolved detection of transient movement of helices F and G in doubly spin-labeled bacteriorhodopsin.
Biophys J. 80:2856-66 (2001)
Wegener, A. A., Klare, J. P., Engelhard, M., Steinhoff, H.-J.
Structural insights into the early steps of receptor-transducer signal transfer in archaeal phototaxis.
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Radzwill, N., Gerwert, K., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Unravelling conformational changes of bacteriorhodopsin using pairs of spin labels.
Proceedings of the 30th Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and related Phenomena.(Editors: A.F. Martins, A.G. Feigo, J.G. Moura. ISBN 972-98802-0-4): 87-90.
Steinhoff, H.-J.
X- and W- band EPR spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics simulations unravel the structure and structural changes of spin labelled proteins.
Proceedings of the 30th Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and related Phenomena. (Editors: A.F. Martins, A.G. Feigo, J.G. Moura. ISBN 972-98802-0-4): 99-102.
Wegener, C., Savitsky, A., Pfeiffer, M., Plato, M., Möbius, K., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
A high-field EPR study of the polarity profile of the bacteriorhodopsin proton channel.
Proceedings of the 30th Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and related Phenomena. (Editors: A.F. Martins, A.G. Feigo, J.G. Moura. ISBN 972-98802-0-4): 119-122.
Steinhoff, H.-J., Müller, M., Beier, C., and Pfeiffer, M.
Molecular dynamics simulation and EPR spectroscopy of nitroxide side chains in bacteriorhodopsin.
Journal of Molecular Liquids 84: 17-27 (2000)
Rink, T., Pfeiffer, M., Oesterhelt, D., Gerwert, K., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Unraveling photoexcited conformational changes of bacteriorhodopsin by time resolved electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Biophys.J. 78:1519-1530 (2000)
Mollaaghababa, R., Steinhoff, H.-J., Hubbell, W. L., and Khorana, H. G.
Time-Resolved Site-Directed Spin-Labeling Studies of Bacteriorhodopsin: Loop-Specific Conformational Changes in M.
Biochemistry 39:1120-1127 (2000).
Wegener, C., Tebbe, S., Steinhoff, H.-J., and Jung, H.
Spin labeling analysis of structure and dynamics of the Na+/proline transporter of escherichia coli.
Biochemistry 39:4831-4837 (2000)
Steinhoff, H.-J., Savitsky, A., Wegener, C., Pfeiffer, M., Plato, M., and Möbius, K.
High-field EPR studies of the structure and conformational changes of site directed spin labeled bacteriorhodopsin.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1457:253-262 (2000)
Kensch, O., Connolly, B. A., Steinhoff, H.-J., McGregor, A., Goody, R. S., and Restle, T.
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Kensch, O., Restle, T., Wöhrl, B., Goody, R. S. and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Temperature dependent equilibrium between the open and closed conformation of the p66 subunit of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase revealed by site-directed spin labelling.
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Wegener, A., Chizhov, I., Engelhard, M., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Time-Resolved Detection of Transient Movement of Helix F in Spin Labeled Pharaonis Sensory Rhodopsin II.
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Pfeiffer, M., Rink, T., Gerwert, K., Oesterhelt, D., and Steinhoff, H.-J.
Site-directed spin labeling reveals the orientation of the amino acid side chains in the E-F loop of bacteriorhodopsin.
J. Mol. Biol. 287:163-172 (1999)
Steinhoff, H.-J., Pfeiffer, M., Rink, T., Burlon, O., Kurz, M., Riesle, J., Heuberger, E., Gerwert, K., and Oesterhelt, D.
Azide reduces the hydrophobic barrier of the bacteriorhodopsin proton channel.
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Tiebel, B., Radzwill, N., Aung-Hilbrich, L. M., Helbl, V., Steinhoff, H.-J., and Hillen, W.
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Spin Labeling Studies of the Conformational Changes in the Vicinity of D36, D38, T46 and E161 of Bacteriorhodopsin during the Photocycle
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Steinhoff, H.-J., Radzwill, N., Thevis, W., Lenz, V., Brandenburg, D., Antson, A., Dodson, G. and Wollmer, A.
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Spin labeling studies of structure and dynamics of octopus rhodopsin.
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Farahbakhsh, Z.T., Huang, Q.-L., Ding, L.-L., Altenbach, C., Steinhoff, H.-J., Horwitz, J., and Hubbell, W.L.
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Steinhoff, H.-J., Hess, G., and Redhardt, A.
ESR an röntgenbestrahltem L-Alanin: Absolute Bestimmung der Radikalausbeute sowie des vollständigen Spin-Hamiltonoperators an pulvrigen Proben.
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